The Timberline Dividend & Growth equity strategy (D&G) is a diversified stock portfolio seeking multiple objectives of solid long-term
    total returns, contributions from a rich dividend stream, and greater consistency in returns than the overall equity market.

    Diversified opportunities come about by screening for stocks of the highest yield from each industry sector.  From this list, Timberline
    utilizes a disciplined scoring process to select names that are expected to offer the best long-term return potential.  In the end, D&G's
    diversified portfolio provides a rich dividend yield from a diversified portfolio of stocks with attractive long-term appreciation potential.  
    For total return investors, the dividend stream provides a positive compounding benefit.  For investors with an income need, the
    dividend flow provides an income stream with attractive growth potential while also maintaining a stock portfolio with appreciation

    Timberline's methodology is unique as multiple sector selections allow for greater diversification verses high yield methods that has
    historically lead to high concentrations in financial, consumer and utility companies.  D&G is also unique relative to long-term dividend
    growth methods by having the opportunity to invest in compelling new ideas (stocks without a long-term dividend growth record) and
    compelling ideas with a stable but rich yield.     

    D&G only utilizes common stocks for clarity in asset allocation and to take advantage of favorable Federal tax rates on common stock

    While dividend stock investing features a strong historical record, the value of the portfolio and each stock is subject to decline in value
    as with any equity portfolio.
Timberline Dividend & Growth
Timberline Investment Management, LLC.
Investing with Integrity
An Invitation
An Invitation